【イギリス生活・おうち時間】30 Things To Do At Home

Riley My Kids

At the moment, it is not safe to travel and go to places.

Therefore in this blog post, I’d like to share with you, 30 things to do when you’re bored at home.

I hope that you’ll find something on this list that you might like to do during the Summer holidays (or anytime, really!) and perhaps try something new 😊



  1. Read a book 本を読む
  2. Binge watch a movie or a TV series 映画やテレビ番組を見る
  3. Make a short film at home  家でショートフィルムを作る
  4. Watch the news about other countries 違う国のニュースを見る
  5. Watch the sun rise or sun set 日の出か日の入りを見る
  6. Have an at-home photo-shoot 家で写真撮影をする
  7. Clean or reorganise your room/home 部屋や家を掃除/整理整頓する
  8. Do crafts クラフトを作る
  9. Knit a scarf スカーフを編む
  10. Make a scrapbook スクラップブックを作る
  11. Start a bullet journal ジャーナルを始める
  12. Start a blog ブログを始める
  13. Start a YouTube channel YouTubeチャンネルを開始する
  14. Start a website ウェブサイトを開始する
  15. Start a clothing line 衣類を作って販売する
  16. Create a bucket list バケットリストを作成する
  17. Edit photos 写真を編集する
  18. Online shopping オンラインショッピングをする
  19. Buy Christmas and birthday gifts for friends and family 友人や家族へのクリスマスプレゼントや誕生日プレゼントを購入する
  20. Learn a new language 新しい言語を学ぶ
  21. Write a letter to an old friend 旧友に手紙を書く
  22. Write a letter to your future self 将来の自分への手紙を書く
  23. Call friends and family 友達や家族に電話する
  24. Interview an elderly person about their lives 高齢の方にインタビューする
  25. Go through your closet and pick-out new outfits クローゼットを見直し、新しい服を選ぶ
  26. Try out new makeup looks 新しいメイクを試す
  27. Have a pamper night リラックスできる時間を作る
  28. Cut your own hair 自分の髪をカットする
  29. Try new hairstyles 新しいヘアスタイルを試す
  30. Paint your nails マニキュアを塗る


Yesterday, I was on the phone with three of my school friends for around 2 hours (23rd thing on the list)! It was really nice to catch up with them as we normally see each other everyday at school, but haven’t been able to see one another in person during lockdown.

I interviewed my great grandmother about her life and found out some interesting things about her childhood in Seattle. She loved her English lessons and she told me about how a library truck would come from her school and drop books off at students’ houses. She also told me a bit about her experience during World War II.

I would really recommend interviewing someone older than you, as it is a lot of fun!

Till next time, bye! Take care!

Riley xx
