
✅海外生活 約30年。イギリスなどに在住
A New Service for Parents
It can be troublesome for parents with young children to go shopping in crowded places. For this reason, more shopping centers have started offering their customers childcare services. Some customers with children choose shopping centers that provide these services. In this way, they do their shopping more easily. Such services are becoming available even in places such as theaters and hospitals.
Questions No. 1
According to the passage, how do some customers with children do their shopping more easily?
- By choosing shopping centers that provide childcare services.
Question No. 2
Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.
Your story should begin with this sentence:
One day, the Sasaki family went to an art museum that offered chidcare services. Mr. Sasaki said to his wife, “They’ll take care of our baby while we look around.” Ten minutes later, Mr. Sasaki was putting his bag into a locker. Mrs. Sasaki was looking forward to seeing the paintings with her husband. Two hours later at the gift shop, Mr. Sasaki was choosing a toy for their baby. Mrs. Sasaki was worried that their baby might be crying.
Question No. 3
Some people say that parents today give too much freedom to their children. What do you think about that?
- I agree. These days, parents are not strict enough. As a result, children’s manners are getting worse.
- I disagree. I think many parents control their children too much. Children feel a lot of pressure from their parents.
Question No. 4
Today, many people buy secondhand goods such as used books and used clothing. Do you think more people will buy secondhand goods in the future?
Yes. – Why?
- People can save money by buying used goods. Also, I think secondhand stores will sell more kinds of things.
No. – Why not?
- I think most people like to buy new things. They do not want things that other people have used.
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