英語学習・おすすめのYouTube動画|”Happy Place”【イギリス在住TOEIC満点ママ】



家で過ごす時間が長くなっていて、最近気になるトピックは健康やウェルビーイングについて。そこで気に入って聞いているのがFearne Cottonさんがプレゼンターを務められている”Happy Place”というpodcastです。

PodcastだけでなくYouTubeチャンネルにもなっているので、今回はYouTubeチャンネルから動画をいくつかご紹介したいと思います。 Wellbeingについて考えるきっかけになるとても素敵な動画ばかりなので英語学習の合間にホッとしたい時などによかったらぜひチェックしてみてくださいね!



 ✅海外生活 約30年。イギリスなどに在住





Breathwork Journey with Rebecca Dennis

Yoga Strong with Hannah Barrett

Self-Care Tips for Everyday Life with Nadia and Katia Narain

Create Your Dream Happy Home with Sophie Robinson

Love It or Leave It with Samantha Clarke

Bigger Than Us

Fearne Cottonさんのご著書、ぜひ読みたいと思っています。

\Bigger Than Us/
/The power of finding meaning in a messy world\

LIFESPAN: 老いなき世界



Live Well Every Day

ポッドキャストにも登場したDr Alex Georgeの”Live Well Every Day: Your plan for a happy body and mind.”

\Live Well Every Day/
/Your plan for a happy body and mind\

“Good Vibes, Good Life”

Happy Placeのポッドキャストに登場されていたVex Kingさんのご著書です。

\Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness/
/Vex King\

”The Book of Boundaries”

ポッドキャストに登場されていたMelissa Urbanさんのご著書です。

\The Book of Boundaries: Set the Limits That Will Set You Free/
/Melissa Urban\


最後になりますが、AIツールChat GPTにストレスの解消法について聞いてみました。

There are many ways to relieve stress, including:

  1. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
  2. Mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help calm the mind and reduce stress.
  3. Talking to someone: Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional can help you process and manage stress.
  4. Hobbies and interests: Engaging in hobbies and interests can provide a distraction from stress and improve overall wellbeing.
  5. Good sleep habits: Getting enough quality sleep can improve your ability to cope with stress.
  6. Healthy eating: Eating a balanced diet and avoiding excessive caffeine, alcohol, and sugar can improve your mental and physical health.
  7. Time management: Managing your time effectively can reduce stress and increase productivity.

Remember, what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to find what works best for you and make it a regular part of your routine.



Take care!


