
✅海外生活 約30年。イギリスなどに在住
筆記試験部分はPart1−4まであるので、それぞれのパートに約25分を割くイメージ。でもできればPart 1はサクサクと進めて、5分でも10分でも長文読解やライティングに振り分けられると気持ち的に余裕が出るのではないかと思います。
Part 1 穴埋め問題
perpetuated | prefaced | overrode | satiated |
elusive | ardent | ornate | apathetic |
partition | compilation | inhibition | congregation |
depreciation | rendition | demarcation | extraction |
abated | permeated | corroded | instigated |
plenary | appalling | filial | contingent |
conciliation | conurbation | contraption | concussion |
arduous | shattered | barbarous | decrepit |
colossal | auxiliary | squalid | inadvertent |
deviating | soliciting | denigrating | incubating |
annexed | yielded | vacillated | proffered |
allegory | yardstick | exponent | blurb |
touted | pulverized | fermented | pared |
pungent | truculent | dreary | murky |
frazzled | awry | insufferable | overt |
electorate | autocrat | extrovert | accomplice |
candid | virulent | petulant | paltry |
presaged | instilled | repartiated | severed |
premeditated | embittered | threaded | gleaned |
sham | wrath | gall | piety |
heartily | marginally | vehemently | intently |
dish out | tear off | wire up | dive into |
blasted off | blown away | bashed in | boiled over |
skirt around | lag behind | fend for | tangle with |
tipped off | scrimped on | worked over | clogged up |
Part 2 長文の中の穴埋め問題
The Mitchell Map
・キープレイヤーの関係を把握することが重要(John MitchellとEarl of Halifaxの関係)
Acting and the Brain
Part 3 長文読解
Business and Sustainability
- According to the study conducted by PIMCO…
- What is the reason that firms get accused of “greenwashing”?
- How can Erica Charles’s comment best be interpreted in the context of the passage?
Rent Control
- One common criticism made by economists about rent control is that…
- Which of the following statements would supporters of rent control most likely agree with?
- What does the author of the passage imply about rent control in the last paragraph?
Nasser and Pan-Arabism
- What can be inferred about the Free Officers?
- According to the author of the passage, what was the primary reason for Nasser’s harsh political policies?
- Which of the following statements best describes the outcome of the “Suez Crisis”?
- What explanation does the author of the passage give for the way that many modern Egyptians feel about Nasser and his rule?
How the Suez Canal changed the world
Part 4 エッセイ
エッセイに必要なのはintroduction, main body, conclusionと意見をバックアップするために理由を3つ述べる。
Agree or disagree: Globalization is a positive force in today’s world
Beneath globalization’s seemingly positive effects of international trade and integrated markets lie worrying issues. Centralized authoritative bodies, suppression of local economies, and the exploitation of foreign labor are just some of the problems accompanying a more globalized world.
As economies grow more interconnected, further regulation of trade and business becomes necessary. More powerful nations, however, are often quick to seize upon this by establishing central trade commissions and all-encompassing laws, leading to smaller countries having less autonomy to make their own decisions regarding how money, labor, and products flow through their economies.
In addition to drawing power away from developing countries, globalization also stifles their local economies. The rising desirability of certain products grants corporations that create them greater financial leverage to purchase land and materials in poorer countries. By doing so, corporations appropriate valuable local resources for foreign markets that could be better used for local consumption.
Even more concerning is the treatment of foreign labor. Manufacturing is often outsourced to poorer countries to slash costs, which, some argue, provides jobs for low-income communities. In reality, this fosters an unhealthy reliance on large companies, which are then free to exploit local labor – including children – with low wages and poor conditions.
From the perspective of developing countries, it is clear the problems arising from one-sided regulatory pressure, monopolization of smaller economies, and the abuse of poor, vulnerable workers are aspects of globalization that, if ignored, will only continue to worsen.
Main Bodyで3つの理由を一つずつ丁寧に説明する。
Part 1 Dialogue
Part 2 Passages
Part 3 Real-Life
Part 4 Interview
2020年度第1回の英検にThe Falklands Warについての長文読解の問題がありました。
Chat GPTに聞く: ライティング力を向上させるためには?
Chat GPTに英文ライティング力を向上させる方法について聞いてみました。
- 毎日書く習慣を身につける: 日記やブログ、エッセイなど、毎日定期的に英文を書く習慣を身につけることが重要です。短い文章から始めて徐々に長文に挑戦し、自分の考えを英語で表現する練習を継続しましょう。
- フィードバックを受ける: 自分の文章を他人に見てもらい、フィードバックを受けることで改善の余地を見つけることができます。友人や家族、またはオンラインのライティングコミュニティや言語交換パートナーを活用して、フィードバックを得る習慣を身につけましょう。
- 模写をする: 優れた英文作家やジャーナリストの文章を模写することで、彼らの表現方法や文体を学ぶことができます。様々なスタイルやジャンルの文章を模写し、自分のスタイルを磨きましょう。
- 文法とスタイルの学習: 文法やスタイルのルールを学び、正確な英文を書くための基礎を身につけることが重要です。書籍やオンラインのリソース、英語のライティングコースを利用して、文法やスタイルの知識を深めましょう。
- 読書をする: 英文の本や雑誌、ブログなどを積極的に読むことで、豊富な語彙や表現方法を学ぶことができます。様々なジャンルやスタイルの文章を読み、他のライターの技術やアプローチを参考にしましょう。
- 自己評価を行う: 書いた文章を定期的に振り返り、自己評価を行うことで成長の方向性を見つけることができます。自分の弱点や改善すべき点を把握し、それに対する改善策を考える習慣を身につけましょう。
Chat GTPを活用
Chat GTPを活用して、経済制裁が外交ツールとして有効的かどうかについて聞いてみました。
Yes, economic sanctions can be a useful foreign policy tool in certain situations. Here are five reasons why:
- Nonviolent means of pressure: Economic sanctions provide a nonviolent means for one country to apply pressure on another country to change its policies or behavior. Sanctions can be applied without resorting to military force, which is often a much more costly and risky option.
- Economic pressure: Economic sanctions can have a significant impact on a country’s economy, particularly if it relies heavily on international trade. The resulting economic pressure can force a country to reconsider its policies or behavior.
- International support: Economic sanctions can be more effective when supported by a broad international coalition. Such support can increase the pressure on the targeted country and make it harder for it to find alternative trading partners.
- Symbolic value: Economic sanctions can have symbolic value in demonstrating a country’s opposition to certain policies or behavior. They can help to isolate a country politically, which can be particularly effective in situations where other diplomatic means have failed.
- Can be reversible: Economic sanctions can be lifted if the targeted country changes its policies or behavior. This provides an incentive for the targeted country to comply with the demands of the sanctioning country, while also allowing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
In conclusion, while economic sanctions have their limitations and potential negative consequences, they can be a useful foreign policy tool when used appropriately and with careful consideration of their potential impact.
Chat GPTに例えば経済用語を列挙してもらい、経済関連の用語をまとめてインプットすることもできると思いました。
Here are some common terms and definitions in economics:
- Demand: the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods or services at a certain price.
- Supply: the willingness and ability of producers to offer goods or services for sale at a certain price.
- Market: a group of buyers and sellers of a particular product or service.
- Price: the amount of money or other resources required to purchase a good or service.
- Opportunity cost: the cost of a foregone alternative, measured in terms of the best alternative forgone.
- Elasticity: a measure of the responsiveness of demand or supply to changes in price, income, or other variables.
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP): the total value of all goods and services produced within a country during a specified period.
- Inflation: a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services over time.
- Monetary policy: the use of monetary tools, such as interest rates and the money supply, to influence the economy.
- Fiscal policy: the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
- International trade: the exchange of goods and services across international borders.
- Comparative advantage: a situation in which a country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country.
- Exchange rate: the value of one currency in terms of another currency.
- Tariff: a tax on imported goods or services.
- Subsidy: a payment made by the government to a producer or consumer to encourage the production or consumption of a good or service.
Chat GTPを上手に活用することができますように。
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